You would have to log some sort of hours for that resource, otherwise the system would not know where and how to allocate the actual costs.
I am using the financial planning module and all my costs are resource based and this is all visible in the Financial Planning. For some resources I use time-sheeting and these costs are appearing as actual costs. Which is great.
My question is on how to allocate actual hours worked for a resource not using time-sheeting but for who I do have a requirement to capitalise the cost for a specific month for a specific task to which he/she has been allocated to? This in such way I can see the planned against the actual cost in the Finanical planning.
BTW if I just book actual costs against a task it doesn't appear in the financial planning either? Not even in the final total column.
Kind regards,
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You would have to log some sort of hours for that resource, otherwise the system would not know where and how to allocate the actual costs.
Hi Josh,
Yes, I understand that, my questions is how I do that if we don't require time sheeting for a resource? Is there maybe a field in the resource planning I can use to fill in as the PM?
Do you also have an answer on my second question?
Kind regards,
Hmm, I suppose you could create a non-labor resource that would represent that person that is not reporting time via the timesheet and use that to allocate actual costs. It would be an ironic use of a non-labor resource, but think it would work. Actual costs are recorded when the related work item is marked complete.
Hi Josh,
I am very keen to use this module and it's a nice first step. But I think the financial planning module needs a bit more development before it can offer a sufficient solution to me to manage the project costs on at least a monthly basis. Specifically in relation to actual cost allocation.
Kind regards,