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Lock item on task, issue and risk grid.

My teammate created a profile called " Team Members" . Team Members role as a viewer only on Task , Issue and Risk.  

However, member of this profile still able to make changes on item/column in grid.

Haikal Rahim Answered

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If the user is allocated as  a resource (or manager) for the task (Or issue/risk) then they will be able to update their progress on the task.  I believe that the viewer only setting is secondary to allocating a user work, so being a resource on a task overrides other settings.

Phil Smith 1 vote
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Hi Phil,

All i want to do is to remove edit permission from the user to edit Issue and Risk. I do not want this role can edit Risk and Issue. 

Haikal Rahim 0 votes
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If you've got a profile for 'Team members', I'm assuming you have another profile for 'Managers' or something similar for the users you want to be able to edit your Risks and Issues?

If you do, my recommendation would be to use a validation rule so that only members of the 'Managers' profile can edit.  This can be done using 'CurrentUser' combined with 'isMemberOf' rules.

The validation rule will prevent any user who does not meet your criteria from making any changes, with the ability to have a 'pop up' message stating that the user does not have permission to edit and who to contact (Or whatever you wish the message to state).

Phil Smith 1 vote
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