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A proxy setting where someone could just add a person that will be managing all their work during a set time frame instead of adding them to the individual projects.


Rachel Hyman Not planned

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Can you provide more details around this feature request? Not sure we fully understand the use case. Thanks!

Josh Santos 0 votes
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If I'm going to be out of the office and another PM will be taking over my desk, I would like a place where I can add them as proxy/delegate to have access to all my Clarizen work. This would be instead of adding them to each project. As proxy, if I was assigned work items from other projects, this designation would allow them access to that as well. Granting them access via my profile wouldn't work because we would need to track who did what work/changes. Another nice to have would be if the proxy added to the project, the original PM would remain owner so we didn't have to go back and edit those fields.

TL;DR- one place to give someone rights to all my work while I'm on PTO.

Rachel Hyman 0 votes
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Ah, I see. One option would be to assign that user as a "Manager" to all of your projects (unlike Owner, you can have multiple Managers). That will allow them to make edits and updates while you are out and this permission is easy to remove when you get back. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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