This will be a tough one since it is part of the overall widget. You can already select the Project Name to include your client name. Why would you also need to do change the overall panel?
"We've discovered how to change the upper left logo from Clarizen to our company's logo, we cannot determine if there is a way to do that on the Roadmap Widget.
In the upper left of the widget is Clarizen Roadmap Widget , and we are wanting to know if there is a way to modify that?"
If you are referring to the briefcase icon of a project, the icon can be changed in the Project Properties. This will also update the icon on the Roadmap.
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This will be a tough one since it is part of the overall widget. You can already select the Project Name to include your client name. Why would you also need to do change the overall panel?
Agreed; we couldn't figure out a way to modify the overall widget, but thinking we may not be the first to ask.
What I'm hearing are comments like, Seeing another name in the widget title will confuse our customers; we want it to read ACME's Roadmap Widget and ... our customers may be uncomfortable about viewing a widget on what's supposed to be their website, but with a company name on the widget other than theirs or ours .
Looks like we may remove this altogether in an upcoming hotfix and then you can enter via the iframe whatever text you want to be displayed.
Excellent; thanks again Gil.
Did this get pushed into the last hotfix?
BTW, other than the homepage Roadmap, is there somewhere we can check to find out if a fix we are waiting for made it into a hotfix? Is there a hotfix board/list?
I don't think this was released yet.
We are working on a way to publicize hotfix releases, but right now the lists are internal and your customer success manager should notify you when a feature related to you has been implemented.