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How can I set up a Prince2 style daily log in Clarizen?

How can I set up a Prince2 style daily log in Clarizen?

Adam Page Answered

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I'm not familiar with Prince2 (does not come up too frequently for us in the United States), but based on a quick Google search it looks like the fields tracked for the daily log are: Date of Entry, Problem/Action, Person Responsible, Target Date, and Results. This could easily be a task or a case of some sort, and I'm sure we could accommodate this. I would talk to your Customer Success Manager or Account Manager about your specific use case and they can advise which object to use for the daily log. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Adam was on my Q&A yesterday and we talked a little about this. We do have a number of customers using PRINCE2, but I don't think any of them do so "strict", most use variants that suit their specific business processes/ environments. That said, I've never had any of them ask about a Daily Log. Perhaps it's seen as overkill, or perhaps the types of projects that people manage in Clarizen don't necessitate such a document, or perhaps the collaboration features in Clarizen make it unnecessary.

Anyway, in terms of daily log we looked at a few options, the thing is that the Daily Log is normally a document that the PM works on, so once you put it in Clarizen there are a number of interesting questions that come up.

Option 1/ Attach a document (even better a Google Doc as you can edit directly from the file view). The problem here is that you put the data in a semi-structured format and can't send it back and forth to Clarizen so easily - example: let's say you log a new potential issue, and then decide on closer examination that it is a real issue and need to log it on the Project. You'd need to do so manually. That's probably no great loss as that's the way things were done until now, but we like to move information around more automatically as it saves tedious copy-pasting. 

Option 2/ use a Note attached to the Project. Notes can be private. However, you'll have the same unstructured data issue. You can use one big Note, or several, and see the content directly from the Project. 

Option 3/ Social / Discussion thread- definitely not private unless you create a Private Discussion Group specifically for the project, but depending on the type of project you work on, the resources on it, and the level of collaboration maturity/ politicization the organization you are operating in has this could be highly effective as it allows you to log items as they come up and then convert them into issues/ risks/ Change Requests / Tasks etc...

David Goulden 0 votes
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