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v6 - subtasks

Do sub tasks no longer exist in version 6?

Jane Hutchings Answered

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Hello Jane,

The sub tasks still exist in V6. To add a sub task, you may select the primary task and click on add - task in the 'common' section of the work plan. A sub task will be added to the original.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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Thank you.  And is there any way to move an existing task to become a sub task of another existing task please?

Jane Hutchings 0 votes
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Yes, you just use the indent or outdent commands on the ribbon or the keyboard shortcut (Shift + Alt + the left and right arrows).  I would learn to do it via the shortcut since it is a huge time saver.  

Even though it is unrelated to the question, another nice shortcut I would like to advertise in V6 is Shift + Alt and either the plus or minus buttons to expand or collapse the selected items.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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So is it only possible for the task immediately below another task to become a subtask?

Eg. if I had:

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

then I could only make Task 3 a subtask of Task 2, and not make it a subtask of Task 1?

Jane Hutchings 0 votes
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Hi Jane,

You may select multiple tasks and indent them together, making them all subtasks of the task above the first task which was selected.

Using your example. You could select Tasks 2 and 3, and indent them, which would make them intoo subtasks of Task 1.

Best Regards,

Jonathan Angel, Clarizen Customer Success

Jonathan Angel 0 votes
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