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Issue with timesheets working with calendar exceptions

I am receiving a timesheet reminder for a timesheet that requires my attention.  It is for a week that I created a calendar exception for the whole week (vacation).  The timesheet for the week in question (10/7 to 10/13) has two tasks listed.  Is it possible that the reminder is being sent because these two tasks ended up in my queue for that week prior to me adding the calendar exception?

James Livermont Answered

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If you have open tasks from the previous week, you will still receive reminders.  However, we do have an app available internally that replaces the standard notifications with more intelligent timesheet reminders that are much more configurable. This has not yet been publicly released to the Apps market yet, but if you talk to your CSM you can get a copy of it.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Filtering on calendar exceptions is not an option, but you can filter on items such as work hours.  As an example, if someone has already reported more than 40 hours a week, you can set it to skip the reminder.

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