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Quick Update reporting, task not Completing

In the past we've required users to use Time Tracking to report time so have not introduced them to the Quick Update method.  We're looking at letting them enter Actual Effort through tasks instead of through Time Tracking so I've set up projects to allow that. 

The user opens Quick Update and enters start date, end date, 100% complete, and actual effort.  In Clarizen the task shows as 100% complete.  However it remains Active and never goes to Complete.  How do we get a task to be marked Complete when users are reporting via Quick Update?

Georgeia Mccann Answered

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No amount of actual effort will complete the task since the system allows you to go over-budget by default.  So what you need to do is either set "remaining effort" to 0, which completes the task, or set % completion to 100%.  Either of those will let the task be completed.  However, I have to say that I still prefer the time tracking system for this scenario so that you can see exactly when all of the time was reported.  If users are just adjusting the actual effort field, you cannot pull a report saying "show me all time reported in November" as an example. 

Josh Santos 0 votes
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