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Question about Clarizen App "Convert Request to Project"

I downloaded and installed the "Convert Request to Project" application, and I am trying to replicate it to convert a project to a task.  The last action in the app, is doing a "Update Field" and it is setting the Request field "Planned For" to NewObject1.

However, when I create a new action in my custom action, and select "Update Field", it doesn't seem "Planned For" is a field of a Request?  Is there something I am missing?



Chris Corbin Answered

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The "label" of the "PlannedFor" field is "Resolved In Project."  Do a search for this string, instead, and you should be good to go.


Yoko Suzuki 0 votes
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Ah, so I found this, and used it, but now I get an error saying "Project" and "Task" are incompatible.  This makes sense, since the field is "Resolved in Project".  Is there a way I can tie to a task in the To-Do list?

Chris Corbin 0 votes
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Rob, one more related (I think) question.  I also downloaded the "Update Related Issues" application, and when i try to replicate this I can't seem to figure out how to find the Issues when updating a field?  See image.



Chris Corbin 0 votes
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There is no such field at the Task level.  You can create a custom field, if you'd like. 

Alternatively, and more "out-of-the-box," what you might want to do is to create a link between the two items.  To do this, add another action of type "New Item" and select the "Related Work" link from the list.  The "Case" section should contain a reference to the request, or "CurrentObject()" and the "WorkItem" section should contain a reference to the newly created task, or "NewObject1."

How does that work?


Yoko Suzuki 0 votes
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$Issues is now "Cases."  If you search for "Cases," you should find what you're looking for.

Yoko Suzuki 0 votes
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Thanks Rob, I have your out of the box suggestion working.  The only thing I still need to do is get the newly created task to belong to the to-do list, any ideas?

Chris Corbin 0 votes
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I am still looking into this, seems there is an attribute of a Task, labeled "To Do List Item", which is called "FloatingTask" in the API, however I can't seem to find either when a choose the "Another Field" option as part of my New Item action to create the Task.

Chris Corbin 0 votes
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Sorry! I got this working!  It seems if you leave parent empty, it defaults to the To-Do list, the problem was my Task view had a filter on a field which I wasn't passing from the Request to the Task, once I added this in the Action which creates the Task, it works like a charm.

Thanks for all of your help Rob.

Chris Corbin 0 votes
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So, one FINAL question, as it seems I got ahead of myself.  I followed your advice to create the New Item for Related Work in my custom action which creates the Task from the Request.  This creates the Task in my To-Do list just fine.  Now I am working on a workflow rule such that when I change the % Complete of the Task to 100, it goes and updates two of my custom fields on the Request.  See image below, but I set up two actions, each Update Field, and found what I believe to be the correct fields, but when I update a task to 100 % complete, I am not seeing the updates I would expect to the Request.  I know the workflow rule is running as I put an email at the end as the third action, which I do receive.

Chris Corbin 0 votes
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Those updates will not happen real-time. If you refresh the page in 30-60 seconds, can you see if the data has been refreshed?

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Indeed - you simply leave the parent empty - this makes the item a To Do List item.

If Josh's suggestion does not help, please update the field from "$OriginatedIssues..." to "$Issues..."


Yoko Suzuki 0 votes
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