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How do you "undo" an entry

Basically like in MS Office they have an "Undo" button that will "undo" your last entry quickly and you can keep hitting that to keep "undoing" the subsequent entries

(CR-66859, formerly ER-18)

Maile Morehart Not planned

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The Audit Trail is only to see updates and what was changed. There is currently no "Undo" though this has been requested multiple times and there is currently a Request with our Product team for this.



Boris Krutiy 1 vote
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Any update on when an undo action will come out? Not having this feature really slows me down.

Stacey Cellier 1 vote
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This is a request that many are looking for but there is no time frame at this time. 

Boris Krutiy -1 votes
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It seems fitting at this point to plug the Liberty Mutual commercial showing people accidentally driving into their garage doors or cutting tree limbs that fall on the hood of someone's car; we're human and make mistakes. Someone thought of the backspace key for the keyboard. MS Office provides the "Undo" feature. PLEASE provide an undo button, or at the very least a ROLLBACK feature to the prior day. When changes are made that trigger rolling changes to the entire project timeline, this is very painful to try to undo when realized too late. Also, it's annoying to have to download a backup every time you want to update the workplan.

Tebinum 1 vote
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For more insight to this dilemma, I updated % complete for 5 tasks which somehow affected timeline due date. When I attempted to change the % complete back to the original numbers, the dates did not revert back!  :-(   I'm spending too much time trying to understanding Clarizen's logic to try to get the dates back rather than actually creating the plan.

Tebinum 1 vote
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I couldn't agree more Tebinum, I've already alerted our account team that we will not be renewing our agreement if we don't get a clear timeline on when this functionality will be addressed.  This is not a "feature," it's a deal breaker for us. 

Stacey Cellier 1 vote
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Hi, we just joined Clarizen and after "playing" with it for a while it is already clear that the UNDO button is necessary. This should be a must have feature. Thanks!

Francesco Guantiero 1 vote
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Is this feature still not implemented almost 2 years later?  We really need UNDO capability in Clarizen.  MS Project has had this functionality for many versions.

Nathan Dawson 1 vote
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Our product is much more robust than Microsoft Project with very complex calculations happening under the hood (both real time and asynchronous) in the cloud, it is not an apples-to-apples comparison. Undo will roll out in phases over time.

Josh Santos -1 votes
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As the person that has introduced Clarizen into our organization I am getting constant feedback about the lack of an undo function. I see this thread is now over 2 years old but there has been no progress to date. I can understand the difficulties in implementing this but Calrizen are innovators so should be able to come up with a solution. Could someone please give an update on this?

Bowe, John 2 votes
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I hear you, but the complexity of doing undo in Clarizen is 100x greater than MS Office. Changing one date can have thousands of implications in the system and that number will increase with some of the features coming out this year. I don't see an undo that covers all scenarios coming in the near future (there is already undo in some cases like resource assignments). It is for sure not in the immediate roadmaps for Q4 or Q1 2017.

Josh Santos -1 votes
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Hi Josh

Was the "undo" capability introduced? We are in Q2 of 2017.

If not, is there a way to escalate it and get high priority assigned to this? 


Anoop L 1 vote
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There are no official plans at this moment for a productized undo. However, a member of my team is working on an undo app that will provide some basic undo functionality. No ETA yet on when it might become available.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Hi Josh,

any updates on either an official effort or the app? Undo would be really appreciated!

Robin Head 0 votes
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Please add me to the list of wanting to see an Undo. Especially when making a change to a plan that will affect other work items, it becomes very difficult to restore dates/work allocation/etc. 

Emily Spencer 0 votes
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Our team would also really appreciate some kind of "undo" functionality -- and/or the ability to revert a project back to a particular point in time.  Thanks

Lindsay PC 0 votes
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Bump for this one as well. Often requested, specifically on the work plan.

Tom Mackean 0 votes
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