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Creating Mandatory Fields

We are new to Clarizen and are looking for a way to create mandatory fields within clarizen. For example, we do not want people to be able to create a new issue within the system without having answered 3-5 fields. The reason being, there needs to be enough information in order for the new issue to be created.

I assume this is through validation rules, but can anyone offer suggestions? I am surprised that standard fields do not have a check box that make them mandatory.

Ashley Pater Completed

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Hi Josh,

Thank you for you time! I know this functionality in Custom Actions, but I need the mandatory check for default forms, for example in Request form. It's possible customize the fields for Request form but it's not possible check for a mandatory field? Follow bellow the sreenshot:

Julimar Junior Bonicenha 1 vote
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Hi Ashley,

Currently, marking a field as mandatory is possible only via validation rule or you can choose to create an issue form. For that you may create a custom action (at the organization level) to this effect.

In the custom action you may select to add user input, which will create the form itself. In the user input, you can decide what will be mandatory to the creation of the project and what will not. You would then tell the custom action to update your custom field in accordance to what was inputted by the user.

Here is a video explaining how to create custom actions >>

For further clarification, hop on our Advanced Q&A webinar where we can guide you through the process >> 

I also submitted a feature request to our Product Team for a check box that makes fields mandatory.

If the feature gets implemented, it will be posted on our blog about Improvement Releases: You can also check periodically on the status with us.

Thank you for working with us on improving our software. We really appreciate it.

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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Hi Diana,


I tried to go to the video for creating custom actions but it says it doesn't exist. I am looking to do something similar. We have created a number of custom request forms to meet our requirements, i.e. Change Request, Lessons Learned, etc. I would like to learn how to update these forms - if I want to add/remove fields, how do I that? Please help.


Thanks Prudence

Prudence Sebela 0 votes
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Hi Diana!

I find this software improvement but I don't found? It's possible marking a field as mandatory now?

Julimar Junior Bonicenha 0 votes
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You can set mandatory fields in Custom Actions with a checkbox.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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