Hi Kevin,
Email only users cannot view the work item since they do not have a login username. Also, how are these emails generated for them?
My email users receive an email with:
"Click the link to view the work item:"
However when they click the link they are prompted for username and password. Is there a way for the them to see the work item?
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Hi Kevin,
Email only users cannot view the work item since they do not have a login username. Also, how are these emails generated for them?
I'm sending them an email from the task or project. Why is the link provided in the email? Is there a way to to remove the link from the email? Its confusing some of my users who are trying to access the work item.
I believe you are referring to the Progress Update Reports. There are 3 options/links in the email...
Quick Update
My Progress is According to Plan
Log Into Clarizen
If the user is correctly configured as an Email Only user, they should not see the last option, only the first two. See the attached to see what my Progress Update Report email looks like as it was sent to an Email Only user.