I think you will need to create two separate Views. One will show their Projects (you likely have this already), and the other will show only tasks where filter is configured with Project Manager 'Is Not One Of' = <PM Name>.
I need help creating a view for a few individuals in our organization. They run projects on their own but also get assigned tasks from others project managers. We want to make it easy for them to see work that they have been assigned from others where it doesn't get buried in with all the tasks on the projects that they are currently running solo. I thought I could filter out the tasks by showing ones where they are the resource and not the parent project manger but I don't seem to have the ability to view the related parent project fields in the view filters.
Any tips?
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I think you will need to create two separate Views. One will show their Projects (you likely have this already), and the other will show only tasks where filter is configured with Project Manager 'Is Not One Of' = <PM Name>.
Yes, having two views is the plan. I can't seem to see the 'Project Manager' field as a filter option in the task object. Is there something I'm missing based on this recommendation?
Hi Garrett,
Have you tried setting up a Work-Items View like so? http://screencast.com/t/NrmG5c74A4
Let me know if this works out!
Thanks for jumping in Vanessa! That does seem like it would work but is there any way to achieve this while in the Task object so there is less jumping around from different objects in Clarizen? Would I have to bring the project manager down to task via a workflow?
Exactly, you would have to bring in the Project Manager into a custom field using a workflow and then you can filter on this in the Tasks module.