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Task not appearing in user timesheet

Dates are right, he is asigned ot it, and the project is active.  This has happened twice in the past, and the answer was some strange way of making some setting visible on the task and changing something.  Can someone help me with this? 

Bryan Newman Answered

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This could be a few things...

1 - Verify that the Task in question is set to Reportable. You can view this column in the Work plan by clicking on the Gear Icon, selecting Manage and then searching and selecting the Reportable field.

2 - Another issue could be if the resource was at any time deactivated or replaced at the task or Project. This would set the <Resource>.State (different from <WorkItem>.State) to INACTIVE. To check this, you will need to maximize the Resource Panel and then clicking on the Gear Icon, selecting Manage and then searching and selecting the <Resource>.State field. If the column shows a LOCK, this means the resource is Inactive on the Task and cannot add time (so cannot see task in timesheet). Change in the column to ACTIVE and the Task should appear. 




Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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From Bryan (caught by spam filter)

Thanks. It was number 2, for the 3rd time. Thanks. -------- Bryan Newman

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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I'm also having the same problem. Verified everything as suggested, but the user still can't see the task in his timesheet. Need help here..

Riswan Effendi Baharuddin 0 votes
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Riswan, did you verify the work item is reportable, active, assigned to the right resource (make sure there is no duplicate resource with the same name), and the task has a date range within the timesheet's range? If all four of these items seem correct, please submit a ticket and we'll have a look inside of your account.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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I had the same issue and just wanted to say thank you to Boris for posting this response - it resolved the item.

Erik Van Dillen 0 votes
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