HI Janice,
This is already in our backlog, and I will add you to the change request as well.
No firm release date just yet but will keep you updated
Hi there,
Is there any intention for new releases to include feature to save multiple baselines? This is due to work plan changes so often that at least a few baselines would help instead of only the latest one.
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HI Janice,
This is already in our backlog, and I will add you to the change request as well.
No firm release date just yet but will keep you updated
Any update on this one? This is key for us as we want to have the original model as it was sold to the client. Then a Q1 baseline, then a Q2 baseline, Q3 and Q4 for each year. We need to be able to compare any of them, eg Q2 to Q1.
If not through baselines, how else might this be achieved?
Kind regards,
The official multiple baseline feature will not be coming until sometime after v6 next year; however, you can achieve this right now by taking "snapshots" of your projects. Basically duplicating your projects, putting the duplicate in a cancelled state, and then visually comparing the iterations in the roadmap, gantt, or a report. I would recommend hopping on one of our Q&A sessions to see this in action.
Any progression on multiple baselines now that V6 rollout is well under way?
We just wrapped up the last major V6 drop, so it will still be some time before this is pushed out to the market.
Is this still in your roadmap?
Currently there is no ETA for this request.
Hi - Will Clarizen allow for saving of multiple baselines? This would be a great feature to have when reporting comparison to original plan or when plans change, how many changes there were etc... Can you provide an update? Thanks!
Hi Diana,
This is actually already a feature request in our system. We do not have an ETA for this just yet.
Seems this feature has been promised for 3 years...any better updates as to when it will manifest?
If not, do you have a workaround on how to show a project timeline that slips multiple times??
Any update on this feature request?
Please add me to this request.
This has been add as an App and can be found on our Apps Marketplace - https://www.clarizen.com/apps/baseline-versions/