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Improve User Experience for selecting work items within project

If I want to mark a work item complete in v6:

  • I need to click the row of the work item, but you need to click away from the name of work item.  Clicking the name of the work item (this  opens the work item and takes me off screen).  very, very annoying.   
  • Then I click the Mark As button

Here is how it should work:

  • Single clicking the row (anywhere) should select the row - Just like Excel and most web tools
  • Double clicking the row or picking the pencil icon should open the work item



Jim Hickey Answered

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You can click anywhere on the row that is not a hyperlink and use the mark as, or you can use the checkbox on the left. You can also change the % completion column to be a toggle switch (display setting for the field when editing columns) so you can very quickly and easily mark items off as completely with a single click.  I like the last option most if you have short tasks where % completion is not relevant.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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