Official comment

For future reference the new request ID is CR-270658
Okay, this is a tiny suggestion, but:
Each week when I export my timesheet to Excel, the first thing I do is remove the “ h” that indicates I’m exporting hours, so that I can do math with the results to turn in the corporate version of the timesheet.
I don’t see the value of having “ h”, like “3.25 h” in the Excel as a text field. Is there any way you could change that so the export doesn’t have the “ h” after each hour? It NEVER has anything other than “ h” so it’s not adding any value (that I can tell).
Thank you!
For future reference the new request ID is CR-270658
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Hello Deb,
Great suggestion! I have opened a feature request for you regarding this. The feature request ticket number is CR-219361. Thank you for you feedback on our product!
Yes! We need the "h" to be removed from our time sheets too!
Requesting this functionality as well. This is a real inconvenience when exporting a report to excel.
Did this ever get resolved? We would like to get rid of the "h" too. Thanks.
I need to know if this was fixed as well. It is VERY annoying.
Hi Leo,
You have been added to the list for this feature request.
Everyone keep commenting! Maybe that will get it fixed. Here's a funny thing: I thought Clarizen was exporting an error in my project names ... it turned out they had a " h" in the name that I was removing with search and replace and then looking at ... oops.
For all on this thread, pushing this up the ladder is the way to go but please do not simply comment. You will find a number and arrow (up/down) near the post and every comment. Go to the original post and click the up arrow to 'promote' this suggestion. The higher the number the more exposure it will receive and the priority level will increase.
Of course there can still be other obstacles for requests based on difficulty/complexity/etc. but this will be the best way to promote your everyday Ideas and Suggestions. I have promoted it and it is now at 2
awesome idea.
Considering that this feature request is open for 4.5 years now, can Clarizen do something about it now?
Danielle, the users are getting restless - how do we search on the status of CR-270658? Thanks!
No updates on this request. However, instead of exporting we do have timephase reports coming out that will give you greater control on what timesheet reports looks like.