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Improve chart view

I found the current chart view is not good looking for reporting because of some reasons.

1) No title and unit of each axis. It's not easy to understand for people of outside the team what is Y-axis and unit for attached chart.  I request to add these.

2) Not enough title title for X-axis. With Chart feature of view I created a chart having "Grouping:Month" X-axis. See attached files. 

In this chart you can see few titles of month (only Oct/13, Aug/14.Jun/15). I request to make each month marking for all item in the chart. This is same when selected Grouping: Quarter.

Yasumitsu Honda Answered

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Dear Yasumitsu,

Thank you for your idea and working with us to improve our product. I have forwarded your valuable feedback to our Product Team and I will get back to you with updates.

All the best,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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Hi Yasumitsu,

I have discussed your feedback with our Product Team.

1) We are addressing issue this in our reporting milestone due in 2015.

2) We agreed that this is a bug as there should be there should be an exact correlation between the month label and the column. I escalated this issue as such and re-opened a case on your behalf, so that I can keep you updated on the progress.

Thank you,


Diana Sandura 0 votes
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