FollowHow to get the quickest resolution to your support issue!
The purpose of this KB article is to provide a quick list of items to include in your initial support request to get the quickest resolution possible.
Include the following in your initial support case:
- Access Link valid for 7 days - see the following KB article on how to enable this feature -
- Video recording of the issue in action - You can also use Jing (it's free):
For the most part, a video recording is enough for us to reproduce the issue and determine next steps. To insure this, make sure the video recording includes:
- Detailed explanation of what you're trying to accomplish. If this is not possible for whatever reason, please make sure your initial support request includes a detailed explanation in writing
- Sample Work-Item IDs that we can refer/search for (this is important if there are several tasks/milestones/projects with the same name...we'll need a glimpse of the work-item ID in order to locate the specific record in your Clarizen instance)
If you are unable to record a video, please make sure you include as much of the following information as possible in your initial support case to help us to isolate the problem:
- Access Link valid for 7 days - see the following KB article on how to enable this feature -
- Detailed explanation of the problem
- The end goal - what are you trying to achieve?
- Screenshots of the issue with highlights
- Specific replication steps
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