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GetCustomActionUrl Parameters for PickLists


Hey Guys,


I have a CA what passings a CustomActionUrl. The receiving CA has  some input variables one of them being a PickList for Phase. How do you pass a value into the Paramter from a CA. The 4th parameter ToString(StageString) is my last attempt at this.


{GetCustomActionUrl('Create Task for Entity',null,GetHiddenRuntimeParameter(tostring($EntityType)),GetHiddenRuntimeParameter($ExternalID),GetHiddenRunTimeParameter(StageString),ToString(StageString))}

Gareth Bradley Answered

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Has Clarizen ever "fixed" this? I am passing all "hidden" parameters; but the only way to "accept" parameters is by checking:

So this works and I can successfully pass parameters between Custom Actions; but then you get an empty message box. I do not want any "user interaction"; because I am using "Set Actions" sections to perform more logic and generate custom messages.

Make sure you VOTE UP, so Clarizen notices that we can do "cool stuff" if they only "enhanced" the options.

Maybe they can add a checkbox saying "Do Not Prompt".




Wilfredo Maldonado 2 votes
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Hi Gareth,


{GetCustomActionUrl('Create Task for Entity',null,GetHiddenRuntimeParameter(tostring($EntityType)),GetHiddenRuntimeParameter($ExternalID),GetHiddenRunTimeParameter(StageString),GetHiddenRunTimeParemeter(StageString))}


If that doesn't work please open a bug.


Good luck!


Tamir Avital 0 votes
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Can you provide some explanation of this? I'm trying to do something similar, and I don't fully understand how the function works. I need to pass a variable (a picklist value, 1 through 10, depending on the link clicked) into a CA. If I've got a user input variable set up in the CA, how do I submit that via GetCustomActionUrl?

Alan Caplan 0 votes
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Hello Alan,


GetCustomActionUrl will take the Custom Action name as first parameter. The second parameter will be the "CurrentObject" on that Custom action, and the next parameters will be the input parameters.

For parameters 2 to last, you'll need the transform your parameter with "GetRuntimeParameter" or "GetHiddenRuntimeParameter" so that the URL is correct at the end.

According to my experience with Custom Actions, use "GetHiddentRuntimeParameter" to hide the associated parameter. If you have input parameters, you'll always have a Panel for the Custom Action, even if all input variables are hidden.

Each parameter must be transformed either with GetRuntimeParameter, or GetHiddenRuntimeParameter.

I hope is helps

Armand BOLMONT 0 votes
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I understand everything you've explained there -- what I'm trying to do though is pass the input variable into the parameter via the link. I don't want the user who clicks on the link to be required to take any additional action, but still pass a variable value into a parameter. ( I hope I'm using the terminology correctly ).

Alan Caplan 0 votes
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So, to pass a single input variable through the link, you'll have to set your input variable as the second parameter covered by "GetHiddenRuntimeParameter".

Unfortunately, right now, event if pass all input parameters through "GetHiddenRuntimeParameter", you'll still get an empty panel with a "OK" button for the user to click.

The workaround is to duplicate your Custom Action for every combinaison of parameter (if possible), but unless you have an "Unlimited" license, you'll reach the Custom Action quota quickly, as that would cost a lot of Custom Actions.

Armand BOLMONT 0 votes
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