Do i need to contruct an anchor (<a>) tag myself i presume.....let me play.
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to create a post which links to Group (AssGroup object), and I wanted to try and simulate the '
@' format in the body here:
'Dear @' + GetObjectUrl(AssGroup) + **
**' <br> A new Issue was assigned to you by ' + ToString(EmailObject.SentBy.Name) + '. <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>Issue: </u>/</b> ' + GetObjectUrl(NewObject1) + ' <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>State: </u></b> ' + ToString(NewObject1.State) + ' <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>Description: </u></b> ' + ToString(NewObject1.Description) + ' <br> '
Unfortunately as you can see this isn't working out for me! Is this possible in Discussion Posts?
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Do i need to contruct an anchor (<a>) tag myself i presume.....let me play.
Right I have made the following changes to the body:
'Dear @' + '<a href="' + GetObjectUrl(AssGroup) + '">' + ToString(AssGroup.Name) + '</a>' + **
**' <br> A new Issue was assigned to you by ' + ToString(EmailObject.SentBy.Name) + '. <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>Issue: </u>/</b> ' + GetObjectUrl(NewObject1) + ' <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>State: </u></b> ' + ToString(NewObject1.State) + ' <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>Description: </u></b> ' + ToString(NewObject1.Description) + ' <br> '
This has worked in as far as the can get the anchor working, but how do i get the Link? If you see the screencast, the 1st post is a manually entered that if i click on the @Clarizen 1st Line Support it takes me to the user group with a link back to the Case. Now the 2nd Post is my post created by my interact customisation, which yes links to the group but there isn't a link back to the Case. Now i see there is a Discussion Link Entity but the documentation says this:
Discussions have links which relate them to other items in your account.
It is not possible to create Discussion Links using customization.
FYI, here is my screen cast:
Hey Gareth,
Please you the following syntax:
'Dear @' + (AssGroup) +
' <br> A new Issue was assigned to you by @' + EmailObject.SentBy + '. <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>Issue: </u>/</b> ' + GetHyperLink(NewObject1) + ' <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>State: </u></b> ' + ToString(NewObject1.State) + ' <br><br> ' +
'<b><u>Description: </u></b> ' + ToString(NewObject1.Description) + ' <br> '
I would also put the new issue (NewObject1) as a related entity of the discussion - {NewObject1}
Please let me know if it worked as expected!
Good luck!