Also, I've given the REST API a shot as well, but I am having an issue running files/download. It says missing DocumentId, even though I am supplying one.... Please see attached screenshot. Any clues/pointers will be greatly appreciated!
I would like to use the soap api to extract some attachments from clarizen. So far, I've gotten SoapClient to dump me out a list of items, each of which looks something like this:
object(stdClass)#12 (2) {
object(stdClass)#13 (2) {
string(8) "Document"
string(36) "bb2ef360-c673-41e7-89fa-11c811a05d6e"
object(stdClass)#14 (0) {
When I add an attachment on the website, this list grows, so I'm pretty sure I'm looking in the right spot. My question is, how can I actually download an attachment to where my script lives? I know PHP, but I'm a SoapClient newbie
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Also, I've given the REST API a shot as well, but I am having an issue running files/download. It says missing DocumentId, even though I am supplying one.... Please see attached screenshot. Any clues/pointers will be greatly appreciated!
After banging my head against the desk long enough, I figured it out :)
I was passing my documentid improperly. When I passed it in the following format, it worked:
Hi Phil,
Thanks for sharing that.
You may also use DownloadMessage with the DocumentId (type name and id) if you do prefer to use the SOAP API.
Hope this helps,
Thanks for the tip! One other related question:
For documents, right now I can do services/data/query with something like "SELECT Name FROM Document" and then using the id I can go /services/file/download?DocumentID=<id> to get a download link for my files
Is there a similar scheme for Emails? Or is everything I need located in the Email entity, e.g. "Select Name,Subject,Comment,PlainText,SentBy,<etc> from Email" ?
One more thing... via the API, can I get the tracking # that is associated with an attachment? Is it possible to have one attachment be linked to more than one tracking #?
I think I can do all of that using czql:
SELECT Name, (SELECT Name from Documents) FROM Task
However, let's say I also want to get the associated emails for this task (which don't seem to have a useful relation like Emails for them)
I want to do something like:
SELECT Name, EmailSubject, EmailOtherFields FROM Task JOIN Email ON Task.id = Email.AttachedTo.id
but it doesn't seem like czql supports joins. Would I have to first get my list of Task entities, then a separate czql query to get a list of Email entities, and then script the logic to join them in PHP or something similar? Is there a better way?
this should work:
SELECT Name, (SELECT Subject from AttachedEmails ) FROM Task
Querying relations is the alternative for joins in the CZQL API. You just need to know the name of the relation (in this case AttachedEmails)
That makes sense! You are a gentleman and a scholar :)
Hi Phil,
Some more information you may find useful:
Hope this helps,
Ophir, thanks, I've also been using describeEntities and describeEntityRelations. By tracking # I meant the SYSID. I really like what you guys have done with czql, making a light query language accessible via rest to avoid the super-verbosity of soap!
Speaking of which, is there anything like SELECT *? Right now I'm doing a describeEntities | grep name to get a list of "columns" I can select, but selecting all columns (element attributes) with a wildcard could be pretty handy...
We intentionally not enabled a SELECT * to make sure clients ask only for the fields they really need. However, there are situations where getting all fields is indeed useful and we might revisit this decision in the future.
Regarding files, if you're dealing with small files (under 5MB in size), you can get their content directly when retrieving the document entities by asking for the "Content" field. This field will contain a base64 encoded version of the file.