Budgeted Cost
Authorized users can see a work item’s Budgeted Cost in the Budget or Extended Budget views of either the Work Items page or the Current Project page and in the Properties of the work item.
The system automatically calculates Budgeted Cost of the work item as a sum of its sub-items:
- Accumulative Budgeted Cost of the sub-items or the Fixed Cost, if defined for the work item.
- Planned Expenses
Budgeted Cost of the “leaf” work item is calculated as a sum of:
- Work (estimated effort) planned for specific resource multiplied by the Cost Rate of the resource or the Fixed Cost, if defined for the work item.
- Planned Expenses
User can:
- See the amount allocated to the selected work item.
- Manually enter the cost of the work item. In this case, the cell is marked by a blue triangle. This value overrides the accumulative value of the sub-work items and it will be used to calculate the budget of work items higher in its hierarchy.
- Clear the Manually set indicator (blue triangle), thereby telling the system to recalculate the budget values automatically.