Official comment

We found that this is not currently available functionality and an Enhancement Request is already in the system. We do not currently have an ETA but will update this post when more information is available.
CR-320970 |
I would like to display a description field e.g. Workitem.Description or Project.PPR-Description in the Reports Highlight area.
I want this capability in order to display the project manager's description at the top of the report.
I could not find a way to put a Text field in that area, please advise.
We found that this is not currently available functionality and an Enhancement Request is already in the system. We do not currently have an ETA but will update this post when more information is available.
CR-320970 |
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The Highlight field is meant to be used for field types: Numeric, Date, Duration, Currency and Percent. Is there a reason why you would not populate this information manually in the Business Question? You may want to consider a View. The Highlight option in Reports is not meant to show Text fields.
If you wish, provide me a full Use Case of this need and I can present to our Product team as a possible future Change Request.
Thank you
Hi Boris,
I will prepare a document explaining what I need and I will share it with you.
I think I modified my highlight report to do something similar. Below is the code to add Description (which we identify the scope of the project to be displayed under the Project Name.
<img src={getImage('Project', currentObject())}><h1 style='font-size:16px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000; margin-bottom:5px; padding:0;'>Project: {$name} {$ProjectType} {$Parent.Name} <h1 style='font-size:16px; font-family:arial; font-weight:bold; color:#000000; margin-bottom:5px; padding:0;'>Scope: {$description} </h1> <table style='width:100%; font-family:arial;font-size:12px; text-align:left; margin-bottom:15px; border:1px solid #cccccc; border-collapse:collapse'> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan= '6' style='text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid #ccc; background:#0069AA; color:#fff; padding:4px; margin:0;
This is something that I would be interested in doing also. Specifically, in response to the question of why I would not use the Business Question field, The Business Question is a text value that remains true to all report recipients.
What I would like to add to my report is the Customer.Name field and a custom date field (which I am able to add) as a header to the report. This would then present the customer with a report showing their business name, the projected completion date and then, below that, the list of customer tasks that are coming due.
I do not want to add these values as columns as the report is outputting a list of task that the customer is responsible for completing within the next X weeks. Adding these values as columns would either duplicate the same values on every row (unattractive) or, using grouping, present an ugly grouping where it shows "<Customer>.<Name>" as part of the grouping (by the way, without this it would be acceptable but I have a separate 'column labels' enhancement request logged for that).
I just want to make certain I understand your issue. Is the problem that you are unable to show Customer.Name field? Our community posts now allow you to add images and links to comments so please provide a screen capture of PPR you are trying to create and the Project level field(s) you are trying to use. Also, what is the API field name you are trying to use within the template file?
In this report, in addition to the 'Projected Install Date' field shown in the Highlights section, I would like to include the following:
With those fields, running this report for individual customers would provide a header of sorts that is unique to each customer.
Alternatively, a 'Report Header' field that could insert custom, Project and/or Customer fields would work too.
basically what we're trying to accomplish with this report is a version of the PPR that only shows our customers the tasks/deliverables for which they are responsible.
Hope that helps.