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Preparation and install Application


Have you a description page where I can find the method to :
Generate an application with a list of custom actions, Validation rules etc...
And download the package to install it on another environment.
Because it's long to copy paste line per line the code between 2 environment. :)

Best regards,

dgsit Jadde Answered

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Hi Pierre-Max pPlease follow these below steps (it's a bit longish, but works well):

1.Log in to your Production environment
2.Go to Setting> Applications> Developed Applications and click “New Application”
3.Fill out the form and click “Add Customizations”/ “Add Mailboxes”
4.Select the new customizations you would like to include in the migration and Click “Save”
4.Click “Publish” on the newly created application
5.From the pop-up message, copy the applications’ URL into a new browser and click enter
6.The URL will update itself
7.Add &exp=true at the end of the URL – this will prompt you to save the application
8.Save the file on your hard drive *Additional information can be found in this video tutorial on applications

1. Log in to your Training Box Environment
2. Go to
3. Choose the file you saved on your hard drive
4. Click “Import”
5. Install your imported application

Yossi Truzman 0 votes
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