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Understanding "Allow Emails", "Project Notifications", "Notify Me" and "Email (discussion) Notification"

Regarding email notifications I am aware of system settings:
"Allow Emails", "Project Notifications", "Notify Me" and "Email (discussion) Notification".

I would appreciate if you could clarify the relations between those 4 options.

1_ Are there 4 email options or am I missing other options?

2_ When "Allow Emails" is ticked off for a user, does it mean that the user does not receive any Clarizen email any more?
Or will he still receive emails linked to "Project Notification" or "Notify Me" or"Email (discussion) Notification"

3_ Does the "Notify me" option override the daily email from "Project Notifications"?

4_ Is it possible to only receive one daily mail from Clarizen, one mail that will gather all type of notificatio and alerts, system or not?

5_ Does the "Email (discussion) Notification" option set by an admin override the one set by standard user on a discussion group?

Thank you for your help.

Zobir Answered

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I see that you opened a ticket with us regarding these questions. These are the original questions:

1_ Do these different options mean Clarizen sends out at least 4 types of notifications / emails?
2_ If so can you confirm all the types of messages Clarizen sends out and how to manage them?

3_ Regarding the “Daily Digest” and “Weekly Digest”, is there a fixed time to receive the digests? If So, what time? Is it updatable?
4_ Is there a fixed day of the week or I is 7 days from the moment you select the option?

5_ "Project Notifications" is related to project alerts, do you have a list of the concerned alerts?
6_ Are they only for project managers and project owners or are they also sent to standard resources?

7_ Can the “Allow Emails” option block project notifications or any other notifications?

8_ Can you confirm there is no way to group all Clarizen notifications / alerts in daily or weekly digests?

9_ Does the "Email (discussion) Notification" option set by an admin override the one set by standard user on a discussion group? How does this work?

Below are the answers:

After reviewing your questions, I found a success article that goes in depth into our Email notifications hopefully providing some additional clarity to the questions you have:

Sorry to keep referencing our existing article but these are the explanations directly from Product.

Question 1 - Outlined in this article:

Question 2 - some emails are standard system emails. The ones that can be managed are the emails sent from customizations or Interact.

Question 3 - Yes, in Settings>Global Settings>'Digest email delivery time':

Question 4 - Should be sent on the first day of your Organizations week. This is set in Global Settings>Calendar

Question 5 - Outlined in this article:

Question 6 - Outlined in this article:

Question 7 - 'Administrators can prevent all email notifications being sent to users, by clearing the "Allow Emails" checkbox in the relevant user’s profile. This does not include emails sent by @mentioning a user directly in a post.

Question 8 - Confirmed

Question 9 - Initially yes, but the user's preference generally overrides any higher level email notification permissions

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