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Field for ranking projects by priority

I'd like to create a rank field in Clarizen so that I can sort my projects by the priority my exec team defined. It's important that no two projects have the same rank. Ideally, I would also like project ranks to auto-adjust. For instance, If I have 5 projects and I set the rank 5 project to rank 3, rank 3 should become rank 4 and rank 4 should become rank 5.

Scott Curry Answered

Official comment


What we typically do internally is have a scorecard with several variables that aggregate to an overall score. As an example, for customer feature requests we look at the number of customers requesting the feature, alignment with strategic objectives, effort required to implement, etc. These inputs lead to an aggregated and weighted priority score that we can easily sort by. This lets you take a multi-dimensional approach to prioritizing projects, requests, issues, or any other object in the system.

Josh Santos
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I would also like this - we have created a custom field for this purpose in Clarizen but with 125 requests manually changing overall priority isn't very feasible. The way Scott describes would be really ideal!

Nathan Dawson 3 votes
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Another vote for this. Being able to manually manipulate a dynamic priority list is essential. Ideally, this would be done via an interface that enables the user to drag projects up or down, with the rank value being auto-adjusted. Josh's suggestion of differently weighted criteria providing an overall score is great, and we could use this in parallel to determine preliminary ranks, but only the manually ranking method will meet our use case.

David G 1 vote
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Is this still an open feature request? Being able to dynamically adjust project ranking by changing (or drag and drop) one project rank that then auto adjusts other project ranks will solve our gap.

Belal Mohammed 0 votes
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