Official comment

Thank you for this feature request, for future references here is the request ID - CR-79858
I'd like to be able to add a comment/reason when rejecting a Timesheet. Currently, you can only re-open without being able to inform the user why, or which time entry is in dispute.
Thank you for this feature request, for future references here is the request ID - CR-79858
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The suggested WR isn't a great work around. Could this be added as a feature request. Thanks
Hello everyone, any update about this? It would be important to notify the user if a certain time entry is not approved. Can Clarizen do this now? I've seen the below conversation transpired years ago. Thank you.
Hi Chris,
I believe this is possible via customizatons. I will go ahead and move this question to that thread instead.
Hi Chris,
Currently this is not supported outside of the box. You can have a WR that is will send an email to the approver asking for reason upon reply it will notify the submitter.
Please let me know if that solution makes sense.
Yes please!