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Limit Task Description to 100 Characters

Is it possible to limit Task Description in Clarizen to 100 charters?

We need to do this as Out invoicing system has this limitation.

Avnish Bhardwaz Answered

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Hi Avnish :)

Yes, you can create a Validation Rule at the Work Item Level with the following syntax:

Set Run Time - "Every time a record is created or edited"

If True - Len($Description)>99

Message - Description can't be longer than 100

Yossi Truzman 1 vote
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I have a similar text field in all projects, used as a project status update to Senior Management. We have already looked at using a similar validation rule to limit the entry to 300 characters. But found when testing that if the entry fails the validation rule then it returns the user to an empty field, losing the text they have entered.

Is there a way to retain the entered text so that the user can then amend their entry rather than have to start again?

Phil Smith 0 votes
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You can have users update the text field using a custom action, which will flag the validation error without wiping content. Another option would be to automatically chop off everything after 300 characters when a user updates the field instead of triggering a validation error.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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Thanks. This is very helpful and working with Validation rule for us.

Avnish Bhardwaz 0 votes
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