Official comment

Thank you for submitting this feature request, for future references here is the ID - CR-65759
I'd like to be able to create a custom email template that is used by Clarizen for all system emails.
Currently, you can only select whether you want the Logo to display or the Organisation title, both of which are styled horrendously and offer no flexibility. (I'd rather have neither!)
I would like the option to pre-format any headers / footers of email that the system generates.
My reasoning for this.
* System generated emails are normally for call to actions. Plain, unformatted emails are not going to get the immediate attention of users.
* Make the mail look more professional and to aim for gets better results and look less like spam.
* Increases user adoption with branding that users are familiar with.
Thank you for submitting this feature request, for future references here is the ID - CR-65759
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In addition to this, any attempt to format the email using inline stylesheets is impossible due to the syntax being rejected by the validation on form submit. e.g. .table { width:100% } will create an error, 'Formula is incomplete' due to the use of curly brackets.
Hi Danielle,
Have you got an update on this CR?
No updates yet, sorry Chris.
Is there any upadte on this ?
We want to override the look and feeling of emails that ( at least add some nice HTML and CSS codes )
But currently it seems quite hardor impossible to implement.
So if you can at least allow EMAIL ACTION in the workflows to support HTML and CSS, then we can raise custom email templates according to our cases.
Better then this, if you could implement an wrapper EMAIL Template logic, which we can choose for an Email Action, it would be superb.
To wrap my wishlist items :
1 - List/Add/Amend existing email template contents
2 - Introduce WRAPPER EMAIL TEMPLATE mechanism, which let us to choose a wrapper email.
you can check an example from this link :
You can use HTML on custom emails, but cannot edit the existing email templates in the system.