Official comment

Hi Thomas,
In the user details page you should have a time zone field:
Align org time with the change to/from DST
CR-194760 |
Hi Thomas,
In the user details page you should have a time zone field:
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I believe this has been corrected in the update
Clarizen advised me (mid August 2016) that this is still in the pipeline but are unable to give a date due to the complexities around the change.
Any updates to this?
Still no concrete ETA at the moment.
Can I please add my vote to this. OrganizationNow() function doesn't work when Daylight savings is in effect (out by one hour).
It's spring and daylight savings time just started on Sunday, the time change caused scheduled reports to show up 1 hour late.
It would be helpful to have Clarizen make the adjustment.
The quick solution is changing the organization time by one time zone if you are in an area with daylight savings. That will automatically correct the timing for scheduled reports and workflow rules.
I'd be keen for this change as well. Thanks.
Any news on when this change will be available? It is causing us a number of issues with reports and a workflow from SAP.
No formal ETA yet.
Please add Paylocity to this change request.
Our organization would also greatly appreciate this feature becoming a real boy! :)
we used your work around to change the org time to 1 time zone different to account for DST. this past weekend we changed it back. Now ALL week we have been getting reports of date fields changing to the day before. this is because the hidden time stamp on some of the date field has defaults to midnight since one is not provided. When we change the time zone BACK an hour to return to Standard, that time stamp becomes 11:00 pm the day BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we REALLY need to get a true solution for this issue as it will continue to be a problem every time we return to Standard time from DST.
Hi Thomas, did you change the time zone for the users as well? Both the org and user-level settings need to be changed. If there is a misalignment, then dates may appear one day off for the end-users in the wrong time zone.
Where do you change it at the user level? the only location I see to change the time zone is in the global settings tab under Organization Settings.
So in addition to changing the timezone for the organization we have to go in and manually set the timezone for all 763 of our users? currently that field is blank for all our users.
I found that scheduling reports for at least one hour earlier than needed, takes the time change out of the equation
@Thomas, no there is a much simpler solution. You can create a user group for each timezone or region in your organization. Many customers already have user groups for each geographic location. You can set a time zone for the user group, and when there is a timezone change all you need to do is update it there and in the Ribbon select to apply on all members. After adding the appropriate users in the groups (if you don't have one already) it should be a very quick update going forward.
@Josh that might sound like an easy solution, but what that does is add a significant level of complexity around maintaining those user groups. Most of our employees work remotely from home including some that don't live in the timezone where the bulk of there work is. (for example we have a few employees that live on the east coast but are on teams and existing user groups that are west coast.)
Therefore, we would have to set up user groups specifically to address the timezone issue. Then when new employees are hired we have to add them to the correct timezone user group. Or if an employee moves (which since they are remote, they can do without us knowing) then we have to move them to the new timezone user group. Finally if they are travelling and working while out of state, we would have know in advance, set them to the correct timezone and when they get home set them back again,
with all that work that is required to do that, it is less work for us to spend a week all at once, importing fixed dates
As a programmer, I realize how difficult it might seem to account for all the various areas that observe DST at different times or not at all. However, since it has been something that programmers have been dealing with since the beginning of programming, I have not found any programming languages that did not give you a way to address the issue. MSDN has several pages covering it, and even Java and Python have code to assist programmers in dealing with it. All it takes is a quick google search depending on language of your source code. Most languages just ask the computer, if it is set to auto update for DST and if it is and it is during DST, it adds an hour to the UTC Adjustment. But again, every language I've worked with has had functions/methods/libraries already built in so it really isn't a complicated process. It is just a matter of using them.
In addition, the ultimate cause of this is that dates without time stamps, default to 12:00 AM and it only changes the display date when DST ends and subtracts an another INCREDIBLY simple solution (but not one I'd recommend) is to add a step that if date does not have a time stamp when it is saved, append a time stamp that won't cause it to roll back to a previous day (i.e. 1:00 AM).
I'm not sure why, unless you just consider it a low priority why it hasn't been addressed since this thread was initially posted 18 months ago. if you DO consider it a low priority, I would hope that you start to think about companies with remote employees and decide to move it up in priority.
Daylight savings time should be taken into account by the tool to have correct time on reports, without changing manually time zone settings.
Hi All,
I don't have a solution yet, but I do want to understand we fully understand the ask here.
There are several possible impact areas here and I want to understand if everyone is asking for the same change:
1) Scheduled Reports
2) Scheduled Workflow Rules
3) Date offsets in web app
4) Work Item rescheduling
5) Date offsets in Reports
6) Global teams having sub-orgs
7) User Calendar Exceptions (time off)
In addition, would be useful to understand from posters if they have users in multiple timezones, or just one.
My users are all in one timezone.
We have issues with reports as the times (and dates if we span midnight) are wrong in daylight saving months and we use Data Loader to bring calendar entries from SAP and these import wrongly in daylight saving months.
We leave our Time Zone as the correct one for us (UTC London)
We have users in time zones across the US so it is not as bad for us as it could be. Unfortunately, our solution to this issue was to set the timezone to Eastern Standard time and just make the user change their conditional formatting manually to account for the DST. Fortunately for us we only have a couple groups that actually rely on time stamps.
Every time we tried changing to adjust for DST, it resulted it due dates, and reports not working correctly for a much later number of users.
And yes, I do believe it affects all those areas you listed and yes we would like to see it resolved.
checking to see if there is an update on this CR, thank you.
Please add us to the list of companies that need this functionality.
Added you Martin.
Warner Media would like to be added to this CR
We would like this functionality too