We are evaluating switching to Clarizen and I need to determine the best way to phase in integration with our organization.
I'm having trouble piecing together how the API will work for accomplishing specific task. I understand data in Clarizen is object oriented and in order to preform CRUD operations on the data you use /services/data/objects/ endpoint.
To perform tasks on a specific entity you use /services/data/objects/{typeName}/{id} where typeName is the entity type. Is there a list somewhere of all the available entity types and what data is required for CRUD operations? For example what information is needed to create a new project with a specific template. After tasks are added to the project what information is needed to create a stopWatch entity for a task? Once a stopWatch entity is created can it be queried for duration information? Or can it only be updated with a duration and stopped? (not sure how stopwatches work with the API) - any information or a very basic introduction would be much appreciated.