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Hours per Working Day

We have teams in two locations, Europe and the US. In Europe they use 7.5 hours per working day, and in the US we use 8 hours.

I can set calendars so the working day is 7.5 or 8 hours for different users, groups and projects. This affects the calculation of the Duration of tasks from the Work, but it doesn't affect the conversion of days to hours for duration fields.

This conversion seems to be controlled by the # Default Hours in a day setting. If this is set to 7.5, then 1 day is equal to 7.5 hours. If its set to 8, then a day = 8 hrs.

So my question is, is it possible to change this conversion on a project level. So for US lead projects its 8hrs, and on European lead projects its 7.5 hours?


Andrew Miller Answered

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While it is not shown in the main properties for a project, each project does have it's own calendar, so yes you would be able to set each project depending on which location the project is lead by.

To access the calendar, type 'calendar' into the search at the top of the project page.  You should then see the calendar, select edit and the then calendar settings which should open up a screen the same as any other calendar setting page but will only be for that project.


Phil Smith 1 vote
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Thanks, but that doesn't quite address my problem.

As far as I can see it, Calendars control how tasks are scheduled and the calculation of duration from work.

What I'm after is what converts between days work and hours work. To repeat my comment above: This conversion seems to be controlled by the # Default Hours in a day setting. If this is set to 7.5, then 1 day is equal to 7.5 hours. If its set to 8, then a day = 8 hrs.

If I change the project calendar, or any other calendar, to a different working day length, it doesn't change the above. Hopefully this is clearer?



Andrew Miller 0 votes
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I have just made the adjustments to one of my test projects and by changing the number of hours worked on the project calendar it does change the both the days required and the duration required for the project.

In the example I tested, I had a 9 hour day set with a duration of 205 days to complete with 7854 hours of work required.  Once I reduced my working day by 3 hours, I still had a project duration of 205 days, but the hours required dropped to 7560. 

Apologies if I've misunderstood your point, but I think this is the relationship you asked about.  Please also remember that you can set how the work/duration behaves by changing the behaviour policy in system settings.


Phil Smith 1 vote
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Just to be clear, I am not asking how Duration is calculated from Work. I understand how this works, and how the calendar can change this.

My question is how Clarizen calculates the number of hours Work in a days Work.

Example: Create a task with Work = 1 day. In our current configuration, this 1 day Work = 7.5 hrs Work. However for some projects, I want 1 day Work = 8 hrs Work.

Is it possible to change the conversion from Days to Work on a project by project basis, or is it fixed at the global level?


Andrew Miller 0 votes
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You can modify the working calendar and work hours on a project by project basis (project field "Calendar" >> Calendar settings..."), but I am pretty certain that the conversion between days and hours can only be set globally.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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That's the conclusion I am coming to as well.

As the field in the Organization Calendar is called # Default Hours in a day, I did wonder if it could be changed away from the default elsewhere

Andrew Miller 0 votes
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