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Custom Calculated Fields

Hey team,


Can i get confirmation that the following is possible to build in Clarizen as an admin user like myself?


The Work field in the work plan at the task level is a standard field that rolls up to the milestone level and the project level.  If there a way to create a custom field like that at the task level and then at the project level?  For example, if I wanted to create a custom field at the task level for revenue (tracking dollars associated with each task), would there be a way for those dollars to total at the project level in another custom field.  For example, task A has a revenue of 50 dollars, task B a revenue of 30 dollars and task C a revenue of 20 dollars.  Then the custom revenue field at the project level automatically populates to 100 dollars because that is the sum of the revenue fields across all tasks in the project? 

Virginia Hoskins Answered

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This is how our standard Currency fields roll up and custom fields configured as Currency type can be specified to Roll up (Sum). This would definitely give you the values you want. The question is why would you need a secondary custom field at the Project level when you already have a field that is representing the Sum?

We would need to better understand the Use Case but as far as your question, yes this can be done.

Boris Krutiy 0 votes
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