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Report Chart Colors

I would like the ability to select chart colors for my reports and associate colors with particular status.

Amanda Prohaska Not planned

Official comment


Hello Amanda, thank you for submitting this feature request. For future reference the request ID is CR-290860

Danielle Lasirona
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I affirm this request for the ability to select colors with statuses.

Recently, Clarizen associated the color Black with "Billable" items and the color Blue with "Non-billable" items. Since generally speaking, we like Billable items, having those items in Black was not our favorite behavior.

This sometimes occurs when Clarizen assigns a red color to a status, field or grouping that we might consider favorable. When viewers use the chart, report or dashboard, they can sometimes jump to conclusions based solely on the color rather than reading the accompanying legend. It would be nice to be able to select colors so that when warranted, green is associated with a favorable item or red is associated with an unfavorable item.

Matthew Lind 3 votes
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Agree. Status is automatically set to Green (On Track), Yellow (At Risk), and Red (Off Track) but when used in a report's chart or graph we see Blue for On Track, Purple for At Risk and Green for Off Track. This seems rather counter-intuitive.

Christine Dawson 2 votes
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Are there any updates in regards to choosing colours for Reporting Chart so the colurs are not counter-intuitive?

Isaac Ang 0 votes
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Hi, just checking in to see if this feature request has made it onto the roadmap? Thank you!

McDonald's Clarizen Admin 0 votes
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In addition, what about making the color status "blue" when something is 100% complete

Ray Leung 0 votes
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Anything further on this?  I've found that while I can set the color of a bar in a chart based on a Picklist (ie. RAG Status on a project red, green, blue) I can't set things like "Undefined" which seems to go blue, or True/False which seem to go blue/gray?

It'd be great to be able to customise this?

Andy Johnston (AU) 0 votes
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This hasn't been approved for release yet, but you can always export the data into Excel or a BI tool for more granular report configuration.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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