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Reporting Formula Bug?

I am not sure if this a bug or not, but thought i would post it and find out.

I have the following scenario on my projects:

Parent I
   Project A1
        Milestone A1
              Task A1.1
              Task A1.2
              Task A1.3
        Milestone A2
              Task A2.1
              Task A2.2
   Project B1
        Milestone B1
              Task B1.1
              Task B1.2
        Milestone B2
              Task B2.1
              Task B2.2

I am creating a report with the following parameters:

Report on: Task 
Include Data: Project and Parent Project
Filter: Tasks which are part of parent project "Parent I"

I am trying to create report highlight which gives me a count of the projects under Parent I. Every formula i try only gives me a count of the Tasks.

No matter which formula i try, the answer is always 9 (when i am looking for 2).

1. Numeric count of $Project.Name = 9
2. Display of $ParentProject.C_NumofActiveSubProjects = 9

Why does it keep counting the Tasks and not giving me an accurate count of the projects which belong to Parent I?

Umesh Shah Answered

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It should work, but the setting might be off. Try creating a report and then use the highlight feature. Alternatively you can re-run the report but this time on the Project/work item first. I will also try to test this out on my system if I can today.

Guy 0 votes
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Update: it worked for me (hopefully I understood your issue here).

I created a report on the Project level, added a filter to only show the parent project I want it to look at, and then added a new highlight that counted 'name' (name of the projects). I got 2 in total (had 2 sub projects and 4 tasks).

Hopefully this helps.

Guy 0 votes
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Can you show me what you did? 

I have this count in a few reports in the highlight and it never counts right. In many cases it doubles it and i have to insert a calculation to divide by 2. I am sure i have it incorrect somewhere. 

I have screenshots of the report and calcualtions.

Where can i send them to?

Umesh Shah 0 votes
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i tried a test with a report at the project level and it works, however, that is not what i need.

try creating a report at the task level like my example above and count the projects to that parent, it doesn't work.

Umesh Shah 0 votes
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Whenever you create a report at the milestone or task level, any calculation to count the number of projects to that parent will only count the object set at the report i.e. milestones or tasks. This is counter to the formula field. Even if you ask it to count the project names, it counts the milestones or tasks. essentially ignoring the fields in your formula. seems like a bug to me.

Umesh Shah 0 votes
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