I would expect your examples to work in practice, but this is not the case.
Another example, this command returns an error:
curl -H "Authorization: Session 7ecf9df1-3935-4dbd-ae7f-291bd3ffdc2a_134475" https://api2.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/data/query?q=SELECT createdOn,title FROM Issue
{"errorCode":"General","message":"Invalid Query: Invalid CZQL (1:6)","referenceId":"vcDtRJlQUdy1CwFFqpguL"}curl: (6) Could not resolve host: createdOn,title
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: FROM
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: Issue
The curl command is obviously not parsing the query properly, but that is what the example says to use, yes? Am I supposed to form this command differently? Then the API documentation should state that, explicitly.