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Can you force an update to a summary field with a broken relation?

We have project templates that build out with all of our possible shipments (six) as tasks that are lag-dependent upon the completion date until the Due Date is manually set.

For project-level reporting, we have relation summary custom fields (two) that are tied to the two shipments that we consider 'system'.  One of these will exist in every project but both is optional.

When one of these two shipments is not in the project's order, we delete the task.  Unfortunately, that is breaking the relationship and Clarizen is setting the custom field value to '12/30/99'.  

I wanted to 'fix' this by setting up a scheduled workflow rule that would look for any 12/30/99 dates and change them to Null but the fields are not available under the Update Field action, I'm guessing because they are still seen as relational fields.


Is there a way to update a relation summary custom field if the related item no longer exists?

Richard Mann Answered

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Don't think it's possible the way it's currently setup, perhaps it would be possible if you would change the structure of these elements (e.g. create a separate field and a workflow that updates it). Then perhaps the scheduled workflow would work. Is that even feasible?

Guy 0 votes
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With a separate field I actually wouldn't need the SWR. I could just setup a regular workflow rule that checks the relation summary field and returns the date unless it's 12/30/99, in which case return Null.  Then I could use Data Loader to update the existing projects.

I just really don't like creating 'workaround' custom fields.  

If I had the option to force an update on a relation field as an admin or if Relation Summary fields had a "If no relation =" condition baked into it... those would be preferable solutions.

Richard Mann 0 votes
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