Hi Lance, can you share the custom action that allows owner of a task to approve timesheets? We are looking for a way to allow people other than Direct Managers and Project Managers to approve timesheets, and this may work.
What is the purpose of the Owner field on Tasks? What abilities does it give to the person named in that field?
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Hi Lance, can you share the custom action that allows owner of a task to approve timesheets? We are looking for a way to allow people other than Direct Managers and Project Managers to approve timesheets, and this may work.
The owner is the person ultimately responsible for the task. The system allows multiple 'managers' for any task, but only a single 'owner'.
For example, Alex creates tasks for a project in his portfolio, but assigns Bill to run the project the task sits in and Chris to undertake the work.
Alex would become the 'owner' while Alex and Bill are both 'managers', Chris would be set as the resource.
Hope that helps
Thanks Phil, but I guess my question was more about what rights or permissions does being the Owner of a Task convey? For example I know that being the Owner of a *Project* allows you to approve Timesheet hours logged against subtasks under the Project.
Phil provided good information.
Lance - If you are the Owner of a Task, you can make changes to it such as work, duration, start date, due date, etc. If there is no Resource specified. The Owner is the Resource and is responsible to do the work on the Task.
Ah, I see. Ok thanks Boris. I've also just recently discovered that I can create a custom action that acts on Timesheet entities to allow Task (as opposed to Project) Owners to approve the hours (or at least I think it can/will... I haven't tested it yet).