This sounds like a tooltip limitation, but it might be a bug. Please submit a ticket as Guy suggested and we'll do a formal investigation. Thanks!
When I run a report of discussion posts it truncates larger posts. Is this a setting somewhere or is this a restriction of the reporting tool?
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This sounds like a tooltip limitation, but it might be a bug. Please submit a ticket as Guy suggested and we'll do a formal investigation. Thanks!
did any resolution ever come of the Truncation of the field when exporting to Excel?
When you hover with the mouse you should see a tooltip with the entire string. To see all you can also export to Excel.
I was hoping the whole discussion would show but I have to click on each individual discussion for it to show.
It also truncates when exported to Excel.
How many characters are you trying to view? I can see the entire discussion when I'm exporting to Excel (~300 characters).
I just checked one of the discussion fields and it is 636 characters with spaces.
It looks like it is a around a 512 character limit. Not sure why this would happen since there isn't that limitation in the Clarizen discussion field and there isn't that limitation in Excel.
In this case I suggest you open a support ticket for them to see what can be done.
Will do. Thanks for your help on this.