Have you had a chance to look at our Slide Publisher - https://www.clarizen.com/apps/slide-publisher/? This provides a really useful way to create dynamic executive presentations using Clarizen data such as Roadmaps.
I would like to be able to capture the Portfolio Timeline in a report or at least be able to export to PDF with Colours as per when I expand the timeline view.
I understand this is an online tool but I cannot view the entire timeline in a single view to copy and this restricts me from presenting the picture to Senior Leadhership in a presentation
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Have you had a chance to look at our Slide Publisher - https://www.clarizen.com/apps/slide-publisher/? This provides a really useful way to create dynamic executive presentations using Clarizen data such as Roadmaps.
HI Shannon, just wondering if you found the Slide publisher useful for this? We use the slide publisher for individual projects and find the roadmap output very difficult to read. It's too light and just doesn't do the job.
No one from Clarizen can answer this question! Shannon ask if the Portfolio Timeline can be leveraged in reports - hey, I have an idea. How about a Widget! A widget would take 2 seconds to create and load to a PowerPoint, Word Doc, or link to the company intranet. There is, or was, a CR for this very request back in 2014, CR-271761. Cherp Cherp Cherp, nothing! Slide Publisher takes a lot of work! So #JoshSantos, can you check the status of CR-271761? This would answer what everyone is looking for. #PortfolioTimelineWidget
CR-271761 was addressed as part of Interactive Gantt functionality I believe. If you have admin rights, you can go to Settings >> Extensions, and build either a Roadmap or Gantt widget for multiple projects or programs. You can even populate those projects or programs dynamically based on a report.
Josh - Thanks so much for your very quick reply! Yeah, that CR is seems to not address my question. Thanks for verifying! I'm speaking specifically about the "Portfolio Timeline". Is there a Widget for the Portfolio Timeline?
Are you referring to this app? https://www.clarizen.com/apps/portfolio-timelines/
There are no plans to enhance the app further, but you can create a widget with the same data using a report (slightly different visualization).
Thanks Josh. Yes, exactly that is what I'm talking about. That's unfortunate that there will be no widget. My Project Stakeholders really like the Portfolio Timeline view. Thanks for your quick replies and your support! I'll work on the report view and see what we can come up with. Thanks again!
Are there any notes to go with the portfolio timeline app or can anyone advise as to how I can access the view as it is not currently jumping out at me.
In case you weren't aware (I discovered this a month ago), there's been a module added called "Portfolios" since this post. Haven't had the chance to test them out personally but I'm curious if any functionalities allow for this....to be continued..