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Email users notes

If an email user write a note when he updates his progress, can i see it on Clarizen as a full user?

I would like to see it under the task as a discussion, is it possible?

liel ben shalom Answered

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You can see the note if you have permissions to view that work item. However, it is added as a note object and not as a discussion. You can convert a new note to a discussion using configuration, but for that you should discuss with your PS Consultant.

Josh Santos 1 vote
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Hi Josh, please excuse my ignorance here - am I able to see notes created in this way in a particular field?

I'd like to be able to run a report that displays these notes connected to a task that meets a particular criteria.

John Wilson 0 votes
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If you have the proper permissions, you should be able to report on notes. The one complication is that there may be many notes for each task, so each row in the report would have to duplicate in case there are multiples.

Josh Santos 0 votes
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I have a number of note fields available in my available views, but none of these contains the notes content that is submitted via the progress update.
The only field that provides me a link to these notes is <Work Item>.# of Notes. but that is only a link - I'd like to understand where to find the field that contains each note.

Thank you for your assistance,

John Wilson 0 votes
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When creating the report, the key is adding the related data for "Meeting Notes." See image below:

Josh Santos 0 votes
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