What do you mean by grab the list of values? Do you want to export the list of all pick-list options for this field? I believe you can do this using the Data Loader tool.
We’re looking to update / facilitate use of this field in some downstream reporting for the tollgates. but dont know how to grab the list of valid values from clarizen. Can someone please help?
Thank you.
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What do you mean by grab the list of values? Do you want to export the list of all pick-list options for this field? I believe you can do this using the Data Loader tool.
Actually, you cannot do this with Data Loader. There is a simple way to get the any pick list values however - have a view on the appropriate object (Project, Task, User, etc.) and then Export that view to a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains the displayed objects and values in your view, AND it has a second worksheet with "Valid Values) for pick list fields - and that contains every value that is currently available.
Note this does not work for Time Zone - the value entered and visible is not the same as the valid value (which is really annoying by the way) .
What cannot be exported or viewed using this work around is dependencies in dependent picklists. If one picklist depends on another, the grid of which values are valid is only visible online.