In the work plan, you would select a work item then in the ribbon go to Common >> Email >> Send Update Request.
Every Monday, I receive "Time to update your progress" email, which contains the list of tasks to be updated for every project configured in Clarizen.
I have a need to generate the same email containing same information on an Ad hoc basis. How do I generate it manually ?
I tried using Project Highlight Report for a project, but not only the email looks different, it also contains different information.
I am ok with the current auto generated emails every monday, but I want to know to generate same email manually.
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In the work plan, you would select a work item then in the ribbon go to Common >> Email >> Send Update Request.
Hi Josh,
I tried doing that, I get a pop-up notification "Progress update Request was sent", but no emails were received. Tried a few work items, but no emails.
Does it require some sort of configuration ?