Official comment

Hi Erwin,
I will look into it and get back to you. I need to consult with relevant team members so I will probably get back to you early next week.
Kind regards,
Is CORS enabled for Clarizen API calls? Getting following error:
Failed to load{...}: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://{...}' is therefore not allowed access.
Please advise on how we can get this working as we have a need to move solutions to Office 365/SPO which require moving server side code involving Clarizen APIs to client side JavaScript. Need ability to perform both GET & POST API calls client-side.
I understand that this is a browser security feature however, there are settings that can and should be enabled server side by Clarizen that would allow these types of requests to pass preflight and execute successfully.
Hi Erwin,
I will look into it and get back to you. I need to consult with relevant team members so I will probably get back to you early next week.
Kind regards,
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Hi Erwin,
I've talked to the relevant team members and they told me they need reproduce and research the issue. For this to happen they need a support ticket.
Please open a support ticket and R&D will handle it.
Kind regards,
Are there settings that can and should be enabled server side by Clarizen that would allow these types of CORS requests to pass preflight and execute successfully?