Hi Andrew,
Which entity did you build this rule on?
Thank you,
I do not want a Project Mangaer to be able to reactivate a project by updating tasks complete in the project.
The set evaluation criteria I am using is:
Not(CurrentUser() = 'insertemailaddress')
$State = 'Active'
GetPreviousValue($State) = 'On Hold'
I can not seem to get this to work to trigger a pop up notification
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Hi Andrew,
Which entity did you build this rule on?
Thank you,
It is a Project-level rule Roland.
Hi Andrew,
I think you should build the rule on the Task entity. The evaluation criteria should look something like this: IsChanged($State) && $State = "Active" && GetPreviousValue($State) = "Completed"
I hope this helps.
Hi Roland,
The error message is triggering the pop up notification but it is not preventing me from editing the % complete box after I click ok on the pop up notification.
Can you post a screenshot of the whole rule?
This was the previous set evaluation criteria
Hello Andrew,
You should create a Validation Rule and not a Workflow Rule. Could you please do that and let me know if it works?
Thank you,
Hi Andrew,
Could you please provide full screenshots of your validation rule and a scenario where it does not work?
Thank you,