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Validation Rule to Stop Work Plan Due Dates Changing Project Due Date

We have a process where project due dates can only be changed via committee approval. Validation rules on project, milestone, and task work items were created to prevent due date changes that would change the project due date. Unfortunately when there is a task that rolls to a milestone which rolls to the project, changing the task due date to something past the project due date bypasses all the validation rules and updates the due dates as normal. Any assistance would greatly be appreciated. Thank you.

Devlend Maul Answered

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Hello Devlend,

Here's a link to an app that contains a custom field ($C_TotalSlack) that calculates slack in days:

I think that if you built the validation rule on the task entity with the following evaluation criteria, this might work:

IsChanged($DueDate) && DateSubtract($DueDate, GetPreviousValue($DueDate), TRUE) > $C_TotalSlack

This may need some tweaking, but I think that in theory it should work.

I hope this helps.


Roland Pumputis 0 votes
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