Hello Harish,
When you're logged into Clarizen website via the UI, what does the URL look like? Does it contain app2 or eu1?
Thank you,
I am new to Clarizen and trying to understand how to use Rest APIs v2.0, following the steps in the documentation in "Rest API Guide Version 2".
I am failing to authenticate, and appreciate any information to make this work.
I am using a licensed user with full Admin access and user type is set as "Integration user"
Using this command curl -d '{userName: "user", Password: "****"}' https://api.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/getServerDefinition to get serverLocation works fine.
However, for the next command (login), using the data center location from above command, I keep getting "Invalid username". curl -d '{userName:"user",password:"****"}' https://api2.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login.
I am using the same username/password for both commands.
Am I missing something from fundamental, for using Clarizen APIs?
Does Clarizen need to do any whitelisting of my domain?
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Hello Harish,
When you're logged into Clarizen website via the UI, what does the URL look like? Does it contain app2 or eu1?
Thank you,
Hi Roland,
Thanks for your response. When connecting via UI, the URL has https://eu.clarizen….
NOTE: I am testing with our Sandbox for now.
With this suggestion, I changed the login API url to eu.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login.
This returned with "Could not resolve host: eu.clarizen.com".
So I changed the login API url to eu1.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login
This returned with "404 - File or directory not found".
Next I changed the login API url to eu2.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login
This did not return any errors, however it did not return any response either. I was looking to get sessionid, userid, etc.
Any suggestions?
Hi Harish,
Each site has a different URL for API. You can use the https://api.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/getServerDefinition endpoint to figure it out.
For eu1.clarizen.com it should be apie1.clarizen.com
For eu.clarizentb.com it should be apie.clarizentb.com
I hope this helps.
Thanks Roland for your update. and this is what I was doing.
Using the getServerDefinition api I get back following response.
curl -d '{userName:"xxxx",Password:"xxxx"}' https://api.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/getServerDefinition
So I use this serverLocation api2.clarizen.com for the login api
curl -d '{userName:"xxxx",Password:"xxxx"}' https://api2.clarizen.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login
The response I get back to this is Invalid username
{"errorCode":"LoginFailure","message":"Invalid username","referenceId":"3tnHFmgpuQy9T4UhGDjqdm"}
As my URL for UI login is eu.clarizentb.com, with your suggestions I tried the following
curl -d '{userName:"xxxx",Password:"xxxx"}' https://apie.clarizentb.com/v2.0/services/authentication/getServerDefinition
This gave me following response
So I use the serverlocation apie.clarizentb.com for the login api
curl -d '{userName:"xxxx",Password:"xxxx"}' https://apie.clarizentb.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login
The response I get back is still invalid username
{"errorCode":"LoginFailure","message":"Invalid username","referenceId":"muGtYrqOh1n3yusJueFte"}
I must be misunderstanding or missing out something and appreciate your help in resolving this.
Where can I find documentation on which URL to use for API?
Hi Roland,
The login API worked, using Postman. Until now, I was using curl command in command prompt window and it still does not work using curl command. I do not understand why this is so.
For anyone else having similar issue, the api url it worked with is "https://apie.clarizentb.com/v2.0/services/authentication/login".
Once again Roland, thanks for pointing me in the right direction, much appreciated.