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Execute JS code on a schedule within a custom panel

Hi Clarizen,

I am trying to do basic API calls from the advanced content settings in a Custom Page at an organization level. I am not exactly sure how often it is run: only when I open the page, every time anyone uses Clarizen?

I would like it to run once a day: is there any means to do that? I thought of setting an Organization toggle "refreshed", only execute my code when it's set to false, set the toggle to true when I execute, and putting it back to false once a day through a scheduled rule. Would that work?

Thank you,


Noémie Neyron Answered

Official comment


Hi Noémie,

Custom page code runs when the page is loaded so it cannot be scheduled to run. You can create your on web service that gets called by our Scheduled Workflow and perform some API actions.


I hope this helps,


Elad Franklin
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