Feature: When a Custom Action is created on a Project module, you have the option to access the customer action via the 'custom actions' ribbon in the project view.
When you click this, a panel is prompted for the end user to work through the custom action.
Use Case:
- Upon a project closing out, we ask our team to fill out a 'Project Closeout Form' (custom action panel on a project). This form has open text answers like: Biggest Win, Lessons Learned, Business Use Cases, Biggest Obstacle, Additional Closeout Notes.
- Some of our closeout forms can be really long. A consultant may partially fill it out and go back to it later without actually 'submitting' it because there are several required fields.
Current behavior:
- If you hit submit, the text in the custom action panel will save.
Desired behavior:
- Without hitting submit, I'd like the open text in the custom actions panel to save so consultants can go back to it at a later time.
Current workaround:
- Consultants use other tools to write their closeout forms and copy/paste the closeout note when they're ready. This is extra work for the consultant and is poor user experience.